Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Delhi has now been reputed as India's rape capital and this has been proven all the more with the recent rape cases that took place in the different parts of the capital city. According to statistics released by the Council of States in India, there are about four cases of rape each day in New Delhi this 2013. Annual reports made by the Delhi Police stated that there are 706 rape cases reported in 2012.

Rape has ruined thousands of lives that continue up to now. No one is exempted from this social crime and there is even no age limit for the victims. Even little infants to dreary senior citizens can be victims as rape is an evil symbol of power. With this dreadful statistics, it would be hard for anyone to feel safe, especially for tourists who would like to visit India. In the recent news, a Swiss national was raped which led to further staining of India's reputation.

Modern technology has paved way for making espionage a convenient activity that one can do by simply using their mobile phones. With different spyware applications developed for mobile gadgets, can it help stop and prevent crimes?

For once, a spy mobile application may prove to be helpful in battling serious crimes these days. Mobile applications specialists have developed an application that may serve as a protection from these social crimes. SpyBubble is a spyware that may be the solution to preventing and stopping rape cases from happening.

What is SpyBubble and How Does it Work?

SpyBubble is a spyware application that you can install in your mobile gadgets. It works perfectly especially for those people who are in constant fear that their loved ones will be in danger. For parents, this application could help them keep an eye on the whereabouts of their children. It also helps them keep track of their children's activities. A lot of young people nowadays carry a mobile phone with them to communicate with their friends and relatives conveniently. With the SpyBubble Download, you can find out the current location of the person that you are in contact with in your mobile phone.

SpyBubble is mainly used to know more about the activities of children; find out if the spouse has extra marital affairs; or if an employee is potentially stealing money off the company. In the growing rape cases in India, this spyware may be used to track people who are walking into a trap laid out for them by sex offenders and rapists.

What are the Features Available in India with the SpyBubble Download?

SpyBubble is an excellent software application used to spy on a person's activities through their mobile phones. The following are some of the highlighted features offered by SpyBubble:

  • SMS Tracking - This feature allows you to read messages that are sent or received on the person's mobile phone. In order for SpyBubble to work, the user should have an account with this application. The messages will be recorded into the SpyBubble account, making it possible for you to retrieve messages even if the user has deleted them. In case the person you are talking to is complaining about suspicious activities in her whereabouts, you can track the location from where the SMS has been sent.
  • Call Tracking - This feature enables you to get a view of all the numbers that the phone user has dialed or received a call from. On top of that, you will be able to see the amount of calls made from and for each number. Call tracking features also show the timestamp for calls that were made or calls that came in and for how long each of the calls lasted. Lastly, if the phone number is registered with a name within the phone's memory, you will be able to see it.
  • GPS Location Tracking - This has to be the most important feature of SpyBubble since it can help you locate the user's phone number via Google Maps. If you are the phone user, you can use this to your advantage. For instance, you are going to a party and are expected to come home late. You can use this service to let people know of your whereabouts just in case something bad will happen.

Do You Think SpyBubble is Helpful?

With all these features, you might start to think if going for the SpyBubble download is worth it. With all the crazy things happening around us, it might not hurt to try something that offers protection against serious crimes. SpyBubble can be a very helpful tool, especially when it comes to protecting your loved ones and especially if you are against violent crimes such as rape.

With features such as the GPS Location tracking, you can only imagine how advantageous it would be to know about a person's location in case he or she gets abducted or lost. However, there are some problems with this type of software application. You might question if using this software is even ethical in the first place. Spying on someone is not really a pleasant thing, but it becomes necessary when you are aware of the news of increasing cases of rape. You want to do everything in your power just to keep your friend, loved one, or child safe and one of the convenient ways to do this is to use such mobile application.

The SpyBubble download is compatible with popular mobile platforms such as Android, Symbian, and blackberry. You can check out the website to see if the phone you are using is compatible with the mobile application. SpyBubble runs when you install it in your phone and you create a user account with them.

Be Safe in India with the Spybubble Download

It pays to choose to be on the safe side most of the time because of the growing crimes committed everywhere around the world. India is a lovely place to be with historical sites that are worth seeing and if you plan to visit this place one day, it will help if you equip yourself with enough sources of protection and Spy Bubble download is definitely something that you should try out yourself.

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